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Welcome to Airbyte Docs

What is Airbyte?

Airbyte is an open-source data movement infrastructure for building extract and load (EL) data pipelines. It is designed for versatility, scalability, and ease-of-use.

There are three major components to know in Airbyte:

  1. The connector catalog
    • 350+ pre-built connectors: Airbyte’s connector catalog comes “out-of-the-box” with over 350 pre-built connectors. These connectors can be used to start replicating data from a source to a destination in just a few minutes.
    • No-Code Connector Builder: You can easily extend Airbyte’s functionality to support your custom use cases through tools like the No-Code Connector Builder.
  2. The platform: Airbyte’s platform provides all the horizontal services required to configure and scale data movement operations, available as cloud-managed or self-managed.
  3. The user interface: Airbyte features a UI, PyAirbyte (Python library), API, and Terraform Provider to integrate with your preferred tooling and approach to infrastructure management.

Airbyte is suitable for a wide range of data integration use cases, including AI data infrastructure and EL(T) workloads. Airbyte is also embeddable within your own application or platform to power your product.

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Why an open-source data movement infrastructure?

Today, teams and organizations require efficient and timely data access to an ever-growing list of data sources. In-house data pipelines are brittle and costly to build and maintain. How many times have we been in this situation?

Octavia Comic

Closed-source solutions are inflexible, and will always often still require complimentary in-house solutions. So at this point, investing in such solutions is just postponing the moment you’ll pile up very costly data pipeline technical debts. Is there a way to have a scalable and efficient data movement infrastructure that will enable your data team to be successful? That’s why we created Airbyte.

Getting Started

There are 4 products to Airbyte:

  1. Airbyte Open-Source: Check out the Airbyte Open Source QuickStart. Then learn how to deploy and manage Airbyte Open Source in your cloud infrastructure.
  2. Airbyte Cloud: Cloud is the fastest way to start syncing your data in minutes.
  3. Airbyte Enterprise: Own your data infrastructure, with advanced features and premium support.
  4. Powered by Airbyte: White-label Airbyte to offer data integration features for your end users.


If you want to learn more: